Friday, March 13, 2015

HOWTO Batch Language Date and Time


Batch language is super basic but there is one trick BATCH supports for getting the date and time. Looking through many different blogs I was able to assemble this HOWTO.

I use this syntax for a little script that I wrote that to backup/archive various coding directories I have on my workstation. I use Windows Backups but I find I trust a simple BAT file that creates date/time stamped 7z files. I wish Windows had a “time machine” like facility but use what you have vs fuss.
To create a proper date/time stamp you can use the following technique.


If you include something like this in your Windows BAT file, you will get a date and time that can be applied to a filename or similar.
set hr=%time:~0,2%
if "%hr:~0,1%" equ " " set hr=0%hr:~1,1%
set FNAME=ARC_%date:~-4,4%%date:~-10,2%%date:~-7,2%_%hr%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,
echo %FNAME%
… you will get a result like this
C:\Users\k.langer>echo %FNAME%


You can use this trick when automating backups or similar.
[For More Information]

HOWTO Setup a PiGlow with PyGlow on a Raspberry Pi B Plus


There are many articles and blogs out there that show how to use a PiGlow LED GPIO board with a Raspberry Pi but most do not cover everything. Some only describe how to set it up with hardware before the B+ and others get you going but fail on permissions.
My hope is to show all the steps needed to let you run Python code with a PiGlow and the module.


I am not a security genius, nor do I view this project as security driven. You will need to decide what changes below are reasonable for you. For me, I want the PiGlow to work and be easy to work with. This is the process I used to get there.

What you need

  1. Raspberry Pi B+
  2. Rasparian Wheezy
  3. PiGlow module

kernel setup

For this to work, there will need to be some kernel level changes. This simply tells the kernel to load some required modules.


In order for the i2c module to work, it needs to be enabled. Add or uncomment the following to your config.txt file.


Ensure that the following two lines are in your modules file.


Ensure that the following modules are not blacklisted by ensuring these lines are commented out.

# blacklist spi-bcm2708
# blacklist i2c-bcm2708


At this point, the kernel will have what it needs to allow you to work with your PiGlow. To activate the new configuration, you need to restart your Raspberry Pi.

Setting up PyGlow Python Module

With the kernel prepped and ready, the next phase is to install the python library needed to interact with your PiGlow. For a Raspberry Pi, I suggest creating a library location where this and other common libraries can be stored for shared use across users and applications. On my RPi, I have them in /opt/lib/python If this path does not exist, create it or something like it. Ensure you can get to it using a normal users and chmod as needed.

Setup a Library area in /etc/bash.bashrc

To ensure all users on the platform see this new library location, it will need to be added to the PYTHONPATH. That can be done either in each users .bashrc file or globally in the /etc/bash.bashrc. Just add the following line.
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/lib/python
For the full approach to work, it will need to be added globally. Within a user’s .bashrc, they can append to this path with other personal lib or module path.

Install PyGlow Module from GIT

To get the lastest module, run the following commands.
cd /opt/lib/python/
git clone

Git should already be installed on your RPi. If not or you don’t like git. You can find a ZIP of the same thing using a few Google searches.
Once completed you should have a PyGlow sub directory within /opt/lib/python/. If you read other documentation, you will be told that you can simply run (or at least attempt to run)
cd PyGlow/examples/
sudo python

But when you do, you get an error that PyGlow cannot be found. This is beause by default, PYTHONPATH is not seen by sudo. This takes us to our last phase of setting this up.

sudo Setup for Python Users

Add PYTHONPATH to /etc/sudoers

To tell sudo that you want to keep PYTHONPATH as an environment variable. Simply edit /etc/sudoers and add (or uncomment) the following line.
Defaults    env_keep += "PYTHONPATH"
Now anything in the global Python path will be available to sudo. I would assume you can have multiple lines for each ENV you want to keep.

PyGlow Error for RPi B+

So, all excited, you re-run the test script

cd PyGlow/examples/
sudo python

Now a new error appears complaining about a revision issue or something like that.

The fix for the Error

The code for the PyGlow (at the time this was written) was not updated for the B+ (Revision #3) GRUMBLE, but the fix is easy. Edit /opt/lib/python/PyGlow/ and search for the following code….

 # Check what Raspberry Pi version we got
 if rpi.RPI_REVISION == 1:
     i2c_bus = 0
 elif rpi.RPI_REVISION == 2:
     i2c_bus = 1
     raise PyGlowException(
         self, "Unknown Raspberry Pi hardware revision: %s" %
 After the above elif, add the following elif that.  It should be before the else 
  elif rpi.RPI_REVISION >= 3:
     i2c_bus = 1

It basically says that any revision after and including 3 should use the #1 bus for ic2. Or at least I suppose.


Now you re-run, more causiously, the following command.

cd PyGlow/examples/
sudo python

Based on my experience, you should have success. In fact all the example scripts should now work.

Next Steps

There are a lot of groups in linux and it is possible that vs using sudo to run your code you can simply add your user to a group that allows i2c and other modules to work. I’ll have to research that next to see if I can give a user permissions.

This was not much of a goal for me since this device is experimental so sudo is not a worry for me to run. For eample, I like to run the sudo python to let the lights show me how much CPU I am using. python-psutil and psutils are needed for that to work so sudo apt-get install python-psutil psutils before running that comand.


With a few steps you now have a working PiGlow with support for This same approach should work for other GPIO type components.